Using the Library - City of Happy Valley

Using the Library

Who can get a card?
Library cards are available to all residents of the Clackamas County Library District, and Washington, Multnomah, Hood River, and Clark (WA) counties. Cards are for those ages 5 and up. A person under 13 must have parental/guardian permission to get a library card.

Ready to apply?
Stop by the library during our open hours with your ID and proof of current address.

What can your card do?
Your library card allows you to check out 80 items and place up to 40 holds. Search for items using our online catalog. Please see your receipt or check your account online for due dates.

Your card number and PIN also gives you access to e-books and e-audiobooks, free passes to local attractions, and other online resources.

For help with placing holds, renewing items, and more, visit the LINCC FAQ Page or call 503-783-3455.

Want instant access to our online content?
If you are mainly interested in access to e-books and e-audiobooks or other online resources, then you can apply for an eCard here. An eCard won’t let you check out physical items from the library or use our Cultural Passes, but you can convert your eCard to a full library card later by presenting your ID and proof of current address at the library on a future visit.

Materials Checked Out
Libraries in Clackamas County have standardized check-out periods. Most items have a check out period of 28 days. New adult fiction, DVDs, Blu-rays, video games, Lucky Day items, Library of Things items, and magazines will check out for 14 days.

Book drops outside the building are open 24/7. Materials can also be returned inside during our open hours.

Items that are checked out on an account may be renewed up to five times for another 28 or 14 day period (depending on the material type). Lucky Day items and items with holds cannot be renewed.

Enjoy a great selection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines. Access Library2Go from your desktop or the Libby app.

Need help with Libby? You can look for answers on this help page, stop by  the library with your device, or call the Reference Desk at 503-783-3455.

Items owned by the Happy Valley Library accrue overdue fees at a rate of $0.10 a day, up to a maximum fine of $1.00. Items owned by other libraries in Clackamas County or obtained through our Inter-Library Loan program may accrue overdue fees at a different rate with a different maximum amount.

Items that are overdue for 30 or more days are billed to the patron’s account. That bill will be removed as soon as the item is returned in good condition. All that will remain is the maximum overdue fee ($1.00 for Happy Valley items).

Accounts are blocked when they accrue over $25.00 in fines or bills. You can pay these in the library with cash, credit/debit card, or check. You can also pay online by going to, clicking My Account, logging in, clicking on the fines tab, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on the Pay Fines button. Fines must be over $1.00 to pay with a credit card in person or online.

Please stop by, call the library at 503-783-3456, or email [email protected] if you have questions about fines on your account.

Print from one of our 8 internet computers, or use wireless printing to print from your own device. The cost for printing is the same, regardless of which method you use.

Printing costs (cash only):

    1. Black/white: $0.05/page
    2. Color: $0.25/page
    3. LINCC library cardholders get a $0.50 daily credit

Wireless Printing

  1. Send prints from your smartphone, tablet, or computer using one of the three methods below.
  2. Stop by the Print Release station in the library to release your print job.
  3. Pay for your prints (see printing costs above).

Three ways to send print jobs to the library:

Placing a hold is library lingo for reserving an item that is owned by at least one LINCC library for you. If the book is on the shelf at another library, then it will be sent to the library of your choice to be picked up. If all copies of the book are checked out to other library patrons, then your name will be added to a waitlist. When it’s your turn, you will receive an email, text message, or a phone call when your holds are available. Finally, you can pick it up at the library, check it out, and enjoy!

Want help placing holds? We are here for you! Call 503-783-3455 or email [email protected] for adult items; call 503-783-3454 or email [email protected] for youth items.

Inter-Library Loans
We can’t own everything, as much as we might try! Luckily, we can request items from libraries throughout the United States through our Inter-Library Loan (ILL) program. Call 503-783-3455 or email [email protected] for assistance with this process.

Book Bundles For Kids, Teens, and Adults
Board books for babies, picture books for bedtime, early readers, chapter books, teen fiction, comics, novels, nonfiction – tell us what you like and we’ll choose a stack of books for you! You can call us at 503-783-3454, or just use this form.

Items Not in the Catalog
If you can’t find an item in our catalog and think we should own a copy, then call 503-783-3455 or email [email protected] for adult items and call 503-783-3454 or email [email protected] for youth items.

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