Let's Learn About...

Body Talk for Kids

Growing up, body positivity was not a term I heard. Now raising my kids, I am acutely aware of messages about bodies (their abilities and differences) and facing questions from my kids about how bodies work. Here are some picks for cultivating a sense of awareness of our amazing, fascinating, and sometimes bizarre bodies.

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Let's Learn About...

Body Talk for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Everybody has a body! Even at a young age, kids notice bodies (their abilities and differences) and start asking questions about how bodies work. Here are some picks for cultivating a sense of awareness of our amazing, fascinating, and sometimes bizarre bodies to share with toddlers and preschoolers.

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Books & Beyond

When Death Happens

In addition to wonderful first experiences, children also have their first encounters with less positively-associated subjects, including death. While no book is a substitute for gentle conversations and listening to your child, these titles seek to provide some structure and support for navigating the challenges of a subject often ignored.

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Parenting Place

New Baby – A Guide for New Siblings

There is so much excitement when your family grows. Making the transition from single child to more can be a monumental change, especially for the soon-to-be-no-longer-only child. Here are some of our favorite books for sharing with your child from pregnancy to becoming a big sibling.

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