
Posting Bail & Delinquent Fines

Posting Bail

An individual who is cited for a violation may also personally post bail (listed as the base fine on the citation) or mail in the bail prior to the scheduled Court appearance date, with or without a letter of explanation. The Court will then make findings and impose a fine, and possibly refund a portion of the bail amount. It is always helpful to include a phone number in the event Court staff has any questions regarding your written intent.

If an individual receives a citation for a violation and does not appear or post bail by the date required on the citation, the Court will enter a default judgment against the individual and impose an appropriate fine which may be greater than the posted bail.

Delinquent Fines

If any fine or payment plan established with the Court is not paid in a timely manner, the Court will take steps to reinstate any portion of the fine that may have been suspended and/or increase the fine to the maximum amount of the base fine summary amounts, place a court action for suspension of driving privileges, and turn the account over to a collection agency for recovery.


If you have any questions, please contact the Violations Bureau at (503) 783-3848.