
Pre-Application Conference

A Pre-Application Conference is required before you can apply for most Type II, Type III, and Type IV land use applications. The meeting is designed to provide the applicant feedback on their proposal and the information necessary to submit a complete land use application. The feedback provided at the Pre-Application Conference is based on the information submitted. It is helpful to submit a complete a proposal, reflecting your vision and goals, and any questions you may have. Representatives from the City’s Planning and Engineering Divisions as well as partnering agencies such as the Fire Department or utility providers will typically be in attendance and/or provide guidance through notes which are sent to you after the meeting. The meeting will typically explore comments on design, necessary studies and public improvements, explanation of the approval process, required application materials and Planning fees, as well as the applicable approval criteria.

Both virtual-only and hybrid (in-person and virtual) pre-applications are available. Meetings are generally scheduled on Tuesday’s at 1:30pm. Pre-Application Conferences are scheduled in the order in which completed applications are submitted, generally 3 weeks from submittal. Please email your completed application to Cheryl Whitehead, Planning Assistant at [email protected].


Required Application Materials (Submitted Electronically):

  1. An existing conditions plan drawn to scale with existing property lines, structures, environmentally sensitive areas (steep slopes, streams, wetlands, riparian corridors, floodplains), streets, driveways, utilities, and significant trees

2. Site plan of the proposed development drawn to scale including proposed property lines, structures, street systems, utilities, open space areas, etc.

3. Design Review applications should also include architectural elevations, parking lot design, and general landscape plans

4. Fee

5. A list of any specific questions (Optional)


Application form
Fee Schedule

Apply at HVWorks.com