Middle Housing Code Amendments - City of Happy Valley

Middle Housing Code Amendments


The Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2001 and Senate Bill 458 to help increase the supply of housing, particularly more affordable housing options. As required by this state law, Happy Valley updated the City’s Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan to comply. The amendments generally allow townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, or cottage clusters in all residential areas rather than limiting them to a detached single-family dwelling. Prior to the enactment of HB 2001, the City generally limited this type of housing to multifamily zones. Single-family neighborhoods were previously intended largely for detached homes. The purpose of this webpage is to provide the Happy Valley community with the background on implementation of HB 2001 and its impact.


House Bill 2001 and Senate Bill 458 Background

HB 2001 and SB 458 were enacted during the 2019 legislative session. To read the legislation, voting record, and legislator contact, below are additional resources.

HB 2001 OregonLive Tracking of HB 2001 including History and Voting Record

Oregon Legislature Website HB 2001 Background

Oregon Legislature Website SB 458 Background

House Bill 2001 Implementation

Alongside other cities in the State, the City of Happy Valley was required to allow property owners in all residential areas the option to construct a townhome, duplex, triplex, quadplex, or cottage cluster, known as middle housing. Previously, these types of developments were not always allowed in these locations.

The changes provide property owners more types of housing in the neighborhoods they love. However, the City understands many community members are concerned their neighborhood wasn’t designed to accommodate greater density.

Given the concerns expressed by the community and at the direction of the Planning Commission and City Council, the City of Happy Valley implemented the legislation with as many of the extra requirements as the bill allowed. Though House Bill 2001 limited the City’s ability to mandate certain design features or site requirements, the City’s implementation of the legislation includes additional design requirements so the expanded housing options complement the community and maintain Happy Valley’s small-town feel.

The following zoning designations are affected: R-40, R-20, R-15, R-10, R-8.5, R-7, R-5, SFA, VTH, MUR-S, & MUR-A. Check your zoning here.

Images courtesy of Clackamas County


Image courtesy of the City of Eugene

Senate Bill 458 required Happy Valley to allow property owners to subdivide middle housing units (a duplex, townhome, triplex, quadplex, or cottage housing) so that the dwellings may be individually sold or owned with the land below them. The units may not be stacked on each other, and each lot may only contain a single dwelling. The City will also require frontage improvements and dedication as feasible.


Refer to House Bill 2001, Senate Bill 458 and the Land Development Code for detailed information.

If you should have any questions or need for additional information, please contact Laura Terway, Planning Manager, at 503.886.8445 or [email protected].