Street Sweeping - City of Happy Valley

Street Sweeping

The City’s street sweeping service is a crucial municipal initiative designed to enhance the cleanliness and overall aesthetic appeal of the city. Deployed on a regular schedule, street sweepers meticulously navigate through the city’s road network, effectively removing accumulated debris, litter, and leaves from the pavement. This proactive approach not only contributes to a cleaner and more visually pleasing environment but also plays a significant role in maintaining public health by minimizing dust and pollutants. Additionally, the service aids in preventing potential drainage issues by reducing the risk of debris clogging stormwater systems. The City’s commitment to regular street sweeping reflects a dedication to both the well-being of its residents and the preservation of its urban infrastructure.

Sweeping Schedule

In the Fall, leaves fall fast, and Happy Valley experiences an overwhelming influx of accumulated foliage. During this time, the City has up to three street sweepers running daily, with roads being prioritized for service based on accumulation levels. While the task is never complete, these rigs make the rounds constantly as staff attempt to reach every area of the city as quickly as possible.

In the other calendar months, the street sweeper travels intermittently to ensure main arterial roads and neighborhood streets receive routine tidying. This proactive approach is instrumental in preventing the accumulation of debris, dust, and litter, contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

Resident Responsibilities

While the City is committed to providing a comprehensive street sweeping service to ensure a clean and well-maintained environment, it is imperative that property owners play an active role in supporting these efforts. Property owners are encouraged to keep their yards well-maintained and ensure that the street areas adjacent to their properties remain accessible to the street sweeper. This collaborative approach not only enhances the overall effectiveness of the street sweeping program but also promotes a sense of shared responsibility for the cleanliness of our community.

Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to street sweeping preparation

DO collect fallen leaves and dispose of them in your yard debris bin or save them for drop off at a FREE city leaf drop event. You can also opt for local yard and vegetation recycling services, available for a fee.

DO keep an eye on your street’s storm drains and clear accumulated leaves and debris. Fallen leaves are a recipe for street flooding. If you see a flooded catch basin in front of your home, please rake it clear.

DO keep parked cars off the roadway as much as possible during the Fall. This helps ensure as much space as possible is covered by the rigs when they sweep.

DO make sure the branches of your parking strip trees have been trimmed and not at risk of interfering with the street sweeper. Emergency vehicles, garbage and delivery trucks, the City streetsweeper, and pedestrians should all be able to pass an area easily without running into barriers. This means:

  • Tree limbs over a sidewalk must be at least 7 feet above the surface.
  • Tree limbs over a residential street must be at least 11 feet above the surface.
  • Tree limbs over an arterial street must be at least 14 feet above the surface.

DO NOT blow or rake leaves into the street or leave them in a big pile next to the curb. This creates situations where they are blocking curbs, bike lanes, and storm drains. While it may seem like an easy fix, moving fallen leaves to the street creates a significant road hazard. The street sweepers CANNOT pick them up when they gathered like that. Please note: Piling leaves into the street is unsafe and if caught, you will be cited for it.

FREE Leaf Drop and Yard Debris Collection Events
If there are too many leaves for your yard debris bin, please keep in mind that the City has several FREE Leaf Drop events throughout the year, courtesy of Happy Valley Parks and Recreation. These typically occur at least twice during the Fall and then once more in the Spring. Be sure to follow the City of Happy Valley on Facebook and check out your copy of HV News to stay in the know about these free community events. You can also sign up for notifications from the City.

2024 Leaf Drops

Saturday, June 8
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 2
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 7
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


2025 Leaf Drops
Stay tuned!

To participate, City residents can drop off seasonal yard debris (leaves, woody debris, and grass clippings) at the Public Works building for free recycling. Residents are responsible for unloading and de-bagging their drop-off materials on-site. This is a residential service only which means no commercial landscaping or contractor loads will be accepted at these events. *Remember to bring proof of Happy Valley residency with you to the event

Questions about Street Sweeping

Chris Randall
Public Works Director
[email protected]

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