Council Corner - City of Happy Valley

Council Corner

Ongoing Efforts Towards a Future Recreation Center, Park, and Downtown District

Progress continues towards the realization of a new recreation center, park, and downtown district.

In late 2024, the City sought feedback from residents through an online survey and virtual open house to gather preferences for the future community park amenities. The results of this survey are currently being compiled and will soon be available for public review. Your input is invaluable in putting the finishing touches on the larger vision for the space, as we incorporate it with the amenities already identified for the future Happy Valley Recreation Center (HVRC).

The City is also focused on the development of a future downtown district. This area will serve as a gateway to the new recreational area and is anticipated to feature ample parking, mixed-use residential and commercial spaces, and pedestrian-friendly pathways. As part of these efforts, we have been actively engaging with staff and design consultants to explore potential options for the alignment of Scouters Mountain Road, which will provide crucial access to the HVRC and community park.

Though still in the early stages, these infrastructure discussions are helping to form a dynamic and vibrant new hub for our community. Moreover, the construction of a road to this future downtown is crucial because it will ensure seamless connectivity, promote economic development, and enhance accessibility for residents and visitors alike.

Previous community feedback has shown a strong desire for the recreation center and park to become a reality. In the coming months, residents can expect to see significant progress as the City finalizes designs for the HVRC and park, and narrows down financing options. To this end, the City will be developing some final plans soon as we remain committed to ensuring these desired amenities become a reality.

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