
Coffee with a Cop

Held annually, Happy Valley’s Coffee with a Cop event serves to unite residents and police deputies over complimentary coffee and pastries.

Coffee with a Cop events help increase community policing and provide a platform for productive conversations between police officers and the communities they serve. The City of Happy Valley and the Happy Valley Police Department understand the importance of this and have held several similar events over the years as a way to make connections more easily attainable.

Residents and members from law enforcement can talk about a variety of subjects at the event. Whether it be concerns about traffic in the area, safety in neighborhoods, or general questions about what Happy Valley Police do, the event serves to help familiarize community with members of the Public Safety Team, which typically includes several deputies, the City’s School Resource Officer, a detective, and several Community Service Officers from the City’s Code Enforcement team.

Happy Valley Police Chief, Rich Sheldon, has said he finds that in casual settings people are often more open to speaking to law enforcement about their concerns and feel more comfortable discussing things that might be on their minds. He recognizes that some residents might have questions or concerns but don’t always feel comfortable approaching him or his deputies directly.

He’s hoping events like Coffee with a Cop will help break down these barriers and give the community a chance to familiarize themselves with his team, so that when they are out and about, community members feel more at ease engaging in conversation.

“Residents may feel intimidated or think they are bothering us with a question or idea, but this isn’t so. We encourage community interactions, and we want residents, business owners, and visitors alike to feel comfortable reaching out and speaking up. In a setting like Coffee with a Cop, we’re able to learn more about the community we serve and have some great dialogues about pressing concerns that might be at play,” Chief Sheldon said.

Residents that attend these events have consistently indicated there is value in meeting the City’s Public Safety Team. It can often be a great way to break down barriers and demystify what it is that police do. Similar to National Night Out, Coffee with a Cop aims to build community safety and encourage neighborhood cohesion through conversation.

Want to learn more about the Happy Valley Police Department? Be sure to follow the team on Facebook at @HappyValleyPoliceDepartment or check out their designated webpage here. Coffee with a Cop is generally held the first Wednesday in October, however the team may elect to hold additional events like this throughout the year. Stay in the know by keeping an eye out for announcements via HV News, the City’s community newspaper, as well.

Coffee with a Cop events are great for all members of community. Even kids can get in on the fun. Here, Deputy Hawkins talks with a local student. These conversations are vital to building relationship.

Happy Valley Police Chief, Rich Sheldon, talks with residents. Coffee with a Cop is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about local patrols.