Happy Valley Community Recreation Center - City of Happy Valley

Community Recreation Center

The two most requested projects in Happy Valley are a new Recreation Center and a Community Park. To bring these projects to life, the City has sought feedback through various means, including open surveys, focus groups, a resident-led Steering Committee, and the Parks Advisory Committee.

Where Will the New Recreation Center Be Located?

The City has already taken significant steps towards the realization of this vision by purchasing 40 acres east of 172nd Avenue.

What Will Be Included in the Recreation Center?

Based on the extensive public input gathered so far, the following amenities specific to a community center include:

  • Aquatics
  • Double Court Gymnasium
  • Indoor Walking & Jogging Track
  • Large Community Room & Kitchen
  • Reservable Gathering Space
  • Weight & Cardio Spaces
  • Group Exercise Room

Using this information, potential building designs have been conceptualized as well.

Sneak Peek (scroll down over the drawings to see the full collection)

The City enlisted the services of DHM Research to conduct a scientifically valid survey among Happy Valley residents to gauge the level of support or opposition there would be given several funding options. This study was conducted in October 2023 and carried out through live interview calls and text outreach, ensuring a diverse cross-section of Happy Valley residents participated and a representative sample was obtained to accurately reflect the community’s sentiments. Full results from this study can be viewed here.

Helping Shape Our New Community Park

Recently, the City sought input from the community on what to include in a future community park that is slated to sit next to the recreation center building. This valuable feedback will help shape the area and ensure that the amenities in this space reflect the desires of the residents.

To facilitate this, an online open house and survey was offered, so residents could share their opinions on potential options. While the survey has closed, results from the exercise will be made available here once feedback is compiled.

Progress Towards the New Recreation Center

In September 2024, the City Council took another step towards bringing the Community Recreation Center to fruition. It authorized the City to begin receiving proposals from Construction Managers / General Contractors (CMGCs) to partner with the City in the design and construction of the Community Center.

Traditionally, construction projects follow what is known as the “Design, Bid, Build” process. In that model, an architect team fully designs the building, then it gets put out to bid to various contractors and is built by the contractor awarded the job.

Instead of this model, the City will follow the CMGC process and will onboard the contractor at the same time as the architect team. This allows an experienced contractor team to provide input into the constructability of the project, provide detailed cost estimates, and place orders on supplies that might have long lead times. Not only is the City able to utilize the expertise of the contractor during design, it can then still ensure all work is competitively bid once the project is ready for construction. The City utilized this model for the construction of City Hall and most recently, the expansion of the Happy Valley Library. The City also received many recommendations to follow this process from other cities that have recently constructed similar community centers.

While physical construction might still be a couple years away, by engaging with a CMGC early in this process, the City hopes to save your tax dollars and bring the project to fruition earlier than a traditional contracting process may take.

Making the dream a reality

In the coming weeks, more information will be compiled to help inform residents about the next steps. Input from the community is crucial in helping the City best evaluate the financial costs of bringing the community center and adjacent park to fruition. While public support for the project is evident, fine-tuning costs and expenditures are key to formally breaking ground.

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Soon, you’ll be able to sign up to receive notifications to ensure you don’t miss out on any important announcements, survey results, or future plans related to the upcoming Community Recreation Center and park.


Mark Aasland
Jen Anderson
Ken Ballard
Doris (Dee) Bedsole
Erin Bell
Josh Callahan
LizBeth Hale
Blanca Johnson

Janice Kiser
Al Matecko
Minh Matthews
Diane Morrow
Kerri Mozena
Ana Sarish
Mardi Wing



Ben Bryant, Assistant City Manager or 503-783-3840

Chris Randall, Public Works Director or 503-783-3842

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