Homeowners Associations - City of Happy Valley

Homeowners Associations

Most residences in Happy Valley are located within a private development and governed by a Homeowners’ Association (HOA).  Each HOA in Happy Valley is an independent, autonomous organization that enforces its own rules and manages common areas within its boundary. Membership is typically mandatory for the corresponding property owners.

HOA fees are common, with collected funds going toward costs that are shared by the homeowners. These costs are independent from a mortgage, and they are different from property taxes since they are a fee paid to a private association, not to the federal or local government. Most often, they help cover the upkeep and insurance needs of common areas and shared structures that are accessible to the neighborhood’s residents and visitors. These typically include stairways, clubhouses, playgrounds, mailboxes, monuments, swimming pools, and open greenspaces. Ultimately, HOA’s play an important role in safeguarding the interests of its property owners. For example, if there is communal property damage, if a wildfire occurs in a greenspace, or if someone is injured and sues while using a shared space, the HOA’s insurance policy can help. It not only protects the HOA’s finances, but also the personal finances of everyone who lives within the boundary. Otherwise, it is the property owners that would have to personally cover the costs for any damages.

With so many HOA’s in Happy Valley, the City aims to work closely with these groups to improve outreach and offer support when appropriate. From sharing information on City happenings to helping connect HOA’s to grant opportunities and educational resources, local HOA’s can get the inside scoop on how to prevent problems and stay in-the-know.  HOA’s are asked to register with the City in order to streamline communication. There is no cost to register.

HOA Registration Form

Please take a moment to complete our brief online form

We will update our records and keep your neighborhood informed of upcoming activities and important topics. You can also contact Administrative Supervisor, Beth Evans at [email protected] with registration questions. HOA’s can also use the online form at any time to alert the City of changes in leadership or contact information.

General questions about the City’s outreach efforts when it comes to HOA’s?

Contact Community Service Officer, Jason Thompson at [email protected]. You may also call City Hall at 503-783-3800 and ask to speak to Officer Thompson directly.

Not sure if your neighborhood has an HOA or perhaps your HOA fell by the wayside?

Given the safety and legal ramifications of neglected communal spaces and the potential for issues, it is important for neighborhoods to make sure they have what they need. The City is eager to help connect residents to the right supports to begin getting back on track. When filling out the online form, just be sure to indicate this, so our team can follow up.

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