Violations Bureau
Most citations may be resolved through the Court’s Violations Bureau. The date and time of your appearance are listed on your citation. If the violation is one that requires a judicial appearance, notification of the rescheduled date and time will be sent by mail. The Court mails violation correspondence to the DMV address of record. City code violation correspondence is mailed to the property owner, permit holder, or business owner’s address of record.
Court staff may accept your plea and determine if your fine may be reduced based on the Judge’s stipulations regarding your driving record, and the type of violation incurred. In the case of violations that may be dismissed through compliance, a court fee will be charged. Court staff cannot accept your No Contest plea over the phone. You may, however, elect to choose our Online Bill Pay option, which will allow you to enter your plea electronically with payment in full.
Not Guilty Pleas
If an individual wishes to plead Not Guilty and schedule a trial on the violation, Court staff will accept the Not Guilty plea and arrange for a trial to be scheduled. The citing officer will be present for testimony at the trial. You will receive written notification of the new date and time set for trial. Not Guilty pleas may not be made over the phone. An appearance or written plea must be made on or before the scheduled arraignment date. The defendant must provide the Court with a current mailing address and phone number.
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm