

In a collaborative effort with the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Department, the Happy Valley Police actively promotes transparency and communication by providing accessible information related to call activity and reported crimes. This partnership ensures that interested parties, including residents, businesses, and community organizations, have access to pertinent law enforcement data in the city.


The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office compiles data generated by interactions that are documented via the Clackamas County Communication’s Computer-Aided Dispatch System. This online data and map are updated at the beginning of each month and includes information pertaining to requests for law enforcement assistance specific to geographic location.

There is a separate Call Activity Dashboard for each of the Sheriff’s Office’s five service areas: Unincorporated Clackamas County, Enhanced Law Enforcement District (ELED), and the Sheriff’s Office contract cities of Estacada, Happy Valley, and Wilsonville. Those interested can review the call activity and reported crimes in Happy Valley, or any of the other service areas via this platform. *Please note, data is not available in real time. Information reflected indicates calls and reports roughly 30 days behind given updates are provided monthly. An annual report is typically composed and reflected on the site and the end of January or beginning of February.


Prior to the introduction of the County’s online Call Activity Dashboard in 2022, the Public Safety Team created and shared an annual police report and monthly summaries to track crime statistics and trends within Happy Valley. Residents and interested parties can still review this information at their leisure.