Pavement Management Program (PMP) - City of Happy Valley

Pavement Management Program (PMP)

The City of Happy Valley has over 170 lane miles of roadway which totals to a value of almost $50 million dollars. This asset happens to be the largest asset owned and operated by the City of Happy Valley.  It goes without saying that keeping these streets in good condition is very important. Not only for the safety of the traveling public but also from an infrastructure investment and maintenance standpoint.

Presently, the City’s Pavement Management Program is broken up into two program categories Pavement Maintenance Project (Preventative Maintenance) & Pavement Reconstruction Project (Restoration). Pavement maintenance is a process of providing a surface treatment while pavement reconstruction provides a complete repaving solution.  Lists of past projects can be found with the links at the bottom of this page. This year’s projects are listed directly below.



Slurry Streets Map
Slurry Seal Schedule
Slurry Seal Map

If your street has been scheduled for crack sealing and/or slurry sealing, please be aware YOUR STREET WILL BE CLOSED between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on the day the activities are scheduled.  Please note crack sealing and slurry sealing are two separate operations and will require two separate closures. The street will be blocked off and no traffic will be allowed to come or go. If cars are left on the roadway THEY WILL BE TOWED. You will need to leave your car in your driveway or park it outside of the project boundary (see location map).

The slurry requires a full day to cure/dry. You cannot drive on the fresh material without causing damage to the street and your vehicle.  Please consult the schedule once it is posted.



Street                              Limits
Stevens Road                 Roundabout to Causey
Aldridge Road                143rd to 147th
Wallowa Way                 145th to Denali
Eastview Road                Tyler to Ridgeway
Ridgeway Road               Eastview to City View







How are streets prioritized?

Prioritizing repair and maintenance of the streets is not an easy task.  In 2016 the city hired a consulting firm which specialized in pavement conditioning analysis. This firm reviewed each individual roadway by performing visual and mechanical inspections. Streets were then rated on a scale of 0 – 100 with 100 being a completely new roadway. This rating has an industry name commonly known as a Pavement Quality Index Rating (PQI). Once all of the roadways were rated and input into the associated computer application, a priority maintenance schedule was created. This schedule is completely automated and gives staff the ability to run reports based on a given year to determine estimated maintenance costs and specific areas of need. Program categories for each individual roadway are chosen utilizing the computer-generated lists and subsequent visual and manual review.

Pavement Maintenance Treatment Options

Patch/Base Repair – Base repair is a localized treatment method used to remove and replace both the base and the surface layers of a failed section of the road. Base repair is an isolated re-build that replaces only a particular area or bad section of the road that needs repair. A failed section of the roadway is cut out and then replaced with new base material and asphalt.

Crack Seal – Crack sealing is the injection of hot tar or asphalt into cracks and paving seams of the roadway. This prevents water from entering the roadway causing asphalt and base failures.

Slurry Seal – Slurry sealing is the application of liquid asphalt with fine aggregate to the road surface. This helps preserve and protect the pavement and provides a new driving surface.

Pavement Reconstruction Treatment Options

Thin Lift Overlay – Thin lift overlays are 1” to 2” of asphalt placed on the existing roadway. They are not typically intended to strengthen the pavement, but instead to address functional problems as part of pavement maintenance.

Grind & Inlay – The grind and inlay involves removing a layer of the asphalt and replacing the asphalt. The thickness of the layer removed varies from 1” to the entire asphalt depth.

Grind & Inlay with Fabric – This process is the same as grind and inlay except a layer of geotextile fabric is laid on the top of the existing asphalt before the street is repaved. This prevents reflective cracking from occurring.

Cement Treated Base (CTB) – During the cement treated base repair option, first the asphalt is removed from the roadway. Then cement is mixed in with the base material to provide solid base. Once the cement is added, the roadway can be repaved with asphalt. Further information can be found by visiting the Guide to Cement-Treated Base published by Portland Cement Association

Frequently Asked Questions About Slurry Sealing

What is a slurry seal?
Slurry Seal is a preventative maintenance product and extends the life of asphalt pavement. It is composed of a mixture of small aggregate, emulsion, filler, and water applied with a truck mounted spreader box. Slurry applications correct small roadway deficiencies, provide a weather tight barrier, preserve asphalt pavement, and improve skid resistance.
When applied, the initial Slurry Seal surface will be slightly coarser than an asphalt overlay surface but will smooth out over time with vehicle traffic.

I don’t think my street needs a slurry seal. Why are you doing this?
A slurry seal is preventative maintenance. It is more cost effective to maintain streets in good condition and prevent them from needing a more extensive repair.

What about mail, garbage, and other services?
The City has notified mail and garbage services. If, however, you have personal deliveries you will need to notify them for delivery or service on a different day. If you have medical needs please contact the City immediately at 503.788.3800.

Why not just repave the roadway?
Studies have shown for every dollar spent on prevention, a savings of approximately $6.00 to $10.00 on repairs and new asphalt is achieved. Not only does this reduce the overall dollar spent on street upkeep, but it also has shown to extend the useful life of a street past its design standard of 20 years.

How was my street selected?
The City uses an asset management program called Streetsaver to track the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of all streets maintained within the City. Every few years an independent consultant is hired to determine the current PCI. This information is logged into Streetsaver and the program produces a list of streets that are in need of maintenance.

What should I expect on the day the Slurry Seal is placed?
All vehicles not already removed from the street will be towed. The street will be swept, and barricades will be placed.

What if I need to drive somewhere?
Park your vehicle on a nearby street not slated for slurry seal. Visit the City’s Engineering Division and click on the Road Construction Map link at the top of the page to view all streets receiving slurry seal.

Can I drive on wet slurry seal?
Never drive on wet slurry seal. The slurry seal will get on your vehicle, on your driveway, in your home and on whatever it touches. It is not easily removed. As the product is meant to bond and seal the existing asphalt it will do the same to whatever it touches.

It must be fully cured/dried before traffic of any kind can be placed on it.

How long will it before you can drive on it?
Although curing time is weather dependent (humidity, excessive heat) it generally take 8-10 hours to cure in ideal conditions.

How long before I can walk on slurry seal?
Typically, you can walk on slurry seal the same day it is placed. Shady areas will take longer to dry and should be avoided.

What if it rains?
Slurry seal cannot be placed if there is a heavy or steady rain. If this occurs or is forecasted the slurry seal placement will be postponed and the neighborhood will be notified via door hanger of the changed date.

What should I expect AFTER the slurry has been place and the street is opened?
You may notice small rocks collecting at the edge of the street. This is normal as some of the rocks do not adhere to the tacky substance. The street will be swept frequently, and these rocks will become less and less. You will want to be careful too as you walk on this as you will not want to track those small rocks into your home.

How long does a slurry seal last?
The longevity of slurry seal depends on the traffic load and weather. In general, you should reapply slurry every 6-9 years.

If the road is closed, what happens if there is an emergency?
Emergency vehicles will be allowed access to closed streets.

My car has been towed. Where is it?
Cars that are left on a street slated for slurry will be towed to the nearest side street.  Contact the City at 503.788.3800 for specific locations.

Why do I need to trim my trees?
In preparation of the project affected residents were sent a Tree Trimming letter advising residents to trim their street trees. There are several reasons why we are asking residents to trim their trees including but not limited to:
• Tree branches are not damaged by the equipment.
• Contractor’s equipment is not damaged by branches.
• Leaves and branches are not disturbed such that they are mixed into the slurry.

Pavement Management Funding Source

Roadway maintenance funding is primarily provided utilizing three main sources. The first is the City’s share of State Highway Trust Fund from a per-gallon tax and state vehicle registration fees, the second is the City’s local gas tax from any gas station operating within city boundaries, and the third is the City’s share of the Clackamas County implemented vehicle registration fee. Between these three main sources the City is able to operate and maintain roadways at an acceptable level.

Street Tree Information

Like sidewalks, property owners are responsible for the maintenance of the trees adjacent to their property to ensure that the meet the City’s Municipal Codes standards to ensure they are not obstructing site distance nor obstructing vehicular traffic.  For more information regard this please visit Street Tree Information page.